Forest fire propagation simulations for a risk assessment methodology development for a nuclear power plant
Yasushi Okano - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
(in lingua inglese)
As a part of the forest fire risk assessment methodology, key parameters of a forest fire hazard as a risk for NPP safety were identified in this study to be fireline intensity, reaction intensity, flame length, ROS, and forest fire arrival time. Fuel model parameters of deciduous vegetation were based on deciduous broad leaf trees, Japanese cedar and Japanese pine tree, and vegetation, topographical, and weather databases for a typical NPP sites in Japan were consolidated for the FARSITE simulation. This study showed that the intensity and the key parameters depend significantly on PWS and RH, but less on AT. The reaction intensity and fireline intensity were of the order of 7.0 102 –1.2 103 kW/m2 and 5.0 102 –1.0 103 kW/m, respectively.
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Fonte: Articolo Case Studies in Fire Safety, 2015
Settori: Safety
Parole chiave: Safety
- RS Italia
- Pagano Saverio
- Trans Audio Video
- Matteo Marconi