Impact of jet fan ventilation systems on sprinkler activation
P.A. (Tony) Enright - Enright Consulting Pty
(in lingua inglese)
In order to quantify the potential delay to sprinkler activation caused by jet fans continuing to operate sixteen CFD analyses are undertaken to determine whether (i) it is significant and (ii) it detrimentally impacts upon the means of escape in the car park undertaken in a separate companion analysis (not presented here for brevity). The results of the analyses indicate delays of 630s to sprinkler activation where the sprinkler and jet fans layout was coordinated so the sprinklers are inplane with the jet fan nozzle. This does not significantly increase the hazard to occupants with the safety margin in the egress design being many times greater than this. Furthermore, the jet fans do not adversely affect the visibility in means of escape.
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Fonte: Articolo Case Studies in Fire Safety, 2013
- Pagano Saverio
- Trans Audio Video
- Matteo Marconi